I’m a vulva owner, and this is what I want from sexual encounters

The conversations regarding sexual satisfaction are finally starting to shift. For far too long the conversations have been steered towards what men/penis owners want because many antiquated ideals, including purity culture, have brainwashed us into finding acceptance in men’s pleasure while simultaneously putting women’s/vulva owner’s pleasure on the back burner. Or completely leaving it out of the equation. Search the internet or podcast platforms, and we can now find a plethora of women and vulva owners talking about pleasure. All kinds of pleasure. Pleasure for the sake of pleasure and nothing else…not procreation, not because women are more emotional, not because someone once said that women don’t enjoy sex as much as men do. (HOW did that actually ever fly????
What Do I Want?
So now that the vulva owners of the free world (there are still plenty that must hide pleasure seeking in fear) are finding a platform, a voice, and an audience, WHAT DO WE WANT? Let me tell you.
THIS vulva owner wants just as much pleasure as any other enlightened being. I want to be body worshiped as much as I worship the body of my partner. I want oral sex to be performed on me with the same sacred ritualism that I bestow upon my partner’s genitals. I want to find that fleeting connection that can only happen when you are consumed in lust. I want my boundaries respected, but I also want my partner to operate right on the edge of those boundaries…simultaneously providing safety and excitement in one fell swoop. Sometimes I want to make love all night. Sometimes I want a hot and heavy quickie, accentuated with sweat and heavy breathing.
I want sex to get me out of my thinking mind.
What Do I NOT Want?
I don’t want selfishness. If you just want to get off, I invite you to use your hand or any number of masturbation toys out there. If you are entering into a partnership even for a one night stand, you better be ready to GIVE. The ABSOLUTE WORST lovers I have ever experienced have been, what I call, Takers: in it for themselves, only focused on their own pleasure and satisfaction.
I don’t want your expectations: that includes what I should do, feel, how I should perform, what I should look like. NONE of it. Approach encounters with an open mind and an open heart.
I do not want to be left wanting. If necessary, I’ll take matters into my own hands. And you’ll be ok with that or you can get the fuck out.
It Doesn’t Matter What Genitals YOU, Dear Reader, Embody
Everything listed above is what I want regardless of the genitals of my partner. The point, however, is that penis owners have historically been afforded room to express and act upon their own desires for their own sake. That ship has sailed. To be an evolved and Educated Lover, you will take your partner’s pleasure and hold it as high as you value your own.